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The Cookies and Worms! Digi-Mag #88 is available to subscribers in their accounts. An email notification with information on how to access it has been sent. Another way to access your account is to go to the top menu on the HOMEPAGE > DIGI-MAG > CUSTOMER CARE > LOG IN or login here. Single copies are also available here:

BAZOOF! Digi-Mag is specifically designed to be read on a tablet but could also be enjoyed on a computer or other device. It features sounds and interactive media, so be sure your volume is on!

What’s inside?

You are starting off with some wonderful youth poems, an interview and a write-up about the solar system. Do you know what an exoplanet is? Evan, Age 11, explains it for us.

Win a poster prize for a family movie coming out by telling B! what you like about reading the Digi-mag. In the Community Centre, you’ll hear about a man who likes to paint, how a girl got marshmallows stuck in her hair, and what it’s like to do track in a dress!

Fandango has some great fall jokes, and Freg teaches you how to make an apple sandwich. It’s really delicious!

There is a bit of a theme in this digi-mag of worms and cookies. In the Ninja Bob comic, some sheep are having a cookie feast in the kitchen with the Chef. And Herbert the Turtle eats too many turtle worms. Find out what happens.

All this and much more in this very fall-fun issue of BAZOOF! Digi-Mag.

Here is the list of the youth who have submissions inside this BAZOOF! Digi-Mag:

Page 3
Vika, Age 7 (Canada) – letter; Evan, Age 11 (South Korea) – letter

Page 4
Isabelle, Age 10 (USA) – poem; Mara, Age 8 (USA) – interview

Page 5
Evan, Age 11 (South Korea) – write-up

Page 20
Petra, Age 7 (Canada) – story

Page 24
Troy, Age 13 (Canada) – story

Page 31
Drawings: Dee, Age 6 (Canada); Vika, Age 7 (Canada); Savannah, Age 6 (Hong Kong); Petra, Age 7 (Canada); Kiera, Age 8 (Hong Kong)

Page 32
Evalyn, Age 6 (USA) – photo); Mara, Age 8 (USA) – poem); Avyaan, Age 9 (USA) – poem

Page 33
Eli & Shem, Age 8 (Canada) – photo; Elle, Age 13 (USA) – poem

Winter #89 Available January 10, 2025

The #89 winter BAZOOF! digi-mag is in the works. Give the gift of reading that lasts all year! A 1-YEAR subscription immediately gives you four current digital issues of BAZOOF! or a 2-YEAR subscription gives you eight. Subscribe NOW!