The Sorcerer’s Stone

by Brody Sullivan
Harry Potter is a series of seven books written by J.K Rowling, and its popularity peaked in the early twenty-first century. The first book of Harry Potter starts off with a boy who lives with his rude aunt and uncle. Then an owl brings an unexpected letter, and it said that Harry is a wizard and will be enrolled in the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
Adventures at Hogwarts
As the book moves on, Harry discovers he is famous in the wizarding world because he vanished the evil wizard, Voldemort. On Harry’s way to Hogwarts Harry meets a child named Ronald Weasely, who he will have many adventures with. Later in the book, Harry anhd Ron will save a girl named Hermione Granger from a troll, who will join their journeys. At the end of the book there will be an unexpected surprise. So please read Harry Potter And The Sorcerers stone.
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