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“Hi everyone! This is Majo with more about all my animal friends at home and the zoo where I work. I believe that animals have emotions just as we do such as anguish and fear. They also have confidence in their owners, which is very impressive such as loyalty and nobility that characterizes them. I have always said that animals have so much to teach us about kindness and gratitude.

Our pet rabbit.

Now that I’m in school and have extra activities, my parents help me take care of them. When I have time, I get up, and the first thing I do is take the dogs out to the garden, then prepare their food as they take turns eating. Then I give them their medicine and the horses breakfast. In the evening, I do the same routine.

Sherpa enjoying a special dog treat!

Sherpa is one of the youngest dogs that we have and is a Collie. He loves to play and give you lots of kisses. He does not like being in the garden and thinks he is the smallest dog in the world. All the time, he wants to be by your side. He is my spoiled dog. I adore him with all my heart.

Sherpa and me cuddling.
Our Siamese cat.
A few lions at the zoo we take care of.
A bobcat at the zoo we take care of.

Having pets and taking care of them helps to have responsibilities, especially for young people. It also teaches us to empathize with other species and not be selfish. Animals teach us things every day, help us to have less stress and calm down when we feel overwhelmed by society’s problems. They are the only ones that the only important thing in their life is that you get home to play with them and give all the love they have for you!”

Tell B! About Your Pets

As Majo has learned, animals and pets are a very important part of our lives. Tell us about the furry friend in your life by submitting it here!