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If you are under 18, please see our Submissions page for youth writing opportunities. Otherwise, follow the three steps below to submit your work as an adult writer.

UPDATED 2023: Presently all needed submissions
are being filled by youth or in-house writers and no
submissions are being accepted from adult writers.
Thank you for your interest and please return to this page
in the future for any changes or updates!


1. Pick an idea

We are actively seeking submissions in the following categories:

  • Short Stories (Non-Paid): This opportunity is for new writers looking to make a break in the publishing field and gain some experience. A wide range of story types work well in the magazine such as mystery, creative, fable, legend, narrative, epic, or based on a true situation. We prefer stories that work well for both female and male readers. They don’t necessarily need to include humor but cannot involve any type of violence, frightening or dark nature. They should generally be light-hearted with a happy ending. Stories can be anywhere between 800 and 1,600 words in length. If accepted, the story would be published either in print or digital format. If you’d like to pass your idea to us before you start, please contact us.
  • Lessons Learned When We Were You ($40): These are little true stories that happened to you, the writer, when you learned a lesson between the ages of approximately 7-12 years old. The stories could also be about experiences or people that helped shape your life for good. Examples are childhood fears, experiences that happened at school, on trips, with friends, between siblings, parents, grandparents etc. Real names can be substituted if you choose. Writers are welcome to submit a single story, but with no payment attached. There are three stories in each issue of the magazine that need to fit into a specific page design: Story 1 (815-825 characters) Story 2 (955-965 characters) Story 3 (960-970 characters). The titles for each story are not included in the character count and are optional to provide. Include with the submission a brief description of what you looked like when you were a kid for the illustrator’s reference (hair color/style, eye color, nationality…). See the linked example.
  • It Happened to Me ($50): This story is just a much longer version of the ‘Lessons Learned’  story described above for the age group of 8-12 years. It needs to be a true story that is accurate with the facts, and the situation gripping enough to keep the reader’s interest for the extra length. Real names can be substituted if you choose. The story cannot be too sensitive such as any type of violence, frightening or dark nature. You may be able to share a more serious story but just not get it too graphic or detailed. We suggest that you contact us before you start writing to be sure it would be appropriate. Again, this story fits into a specific page design: Page 1 (1,405 – 1,415 characters + 3 headings) Page 2 (1,870 – 1,880 characters + 4 headings). See the linked example.


2. Follow Our Guidelines

Please read this information carefully to assist you in your submissions.

Thank you for your interest in writing for our award-winning publication! The majority of the writing for the magazine is done in-house or by our youth readers. For visiting writers, we presently have a few non-paid and paid editorials that you’d be welcome to submit to. Non-paid submissions will receive assistance in forming thoughts, grammar, spelling and story flow. Paid submissions should be polished and error-free as much as possible. See Step 1. PICK AN IDEA for samples of previously published work.

Place of Residence: Although the magazine is distributed worldwide, we are only seeking Canadian writers for adult submissions at this time as a part of our content requirement in qualifying for Canadian grants. This restriction does not apply to youth submissions.

Making Requests: Due to our time restrictions, our Writers’ Guidelines are only available through this website and are not mailed out.

Format of Unsolicited Manuscripts: Contact us to review.

Paid Submissions: Eligible submissions are paid flat fees as set out in Step 1: Pick an Idea.

Accepted Work Perks: Writers will receive two complimentary printed copies of the magazine, a high resolution digital version and a file suitable for sharing on social media. Writers are asked to submit an invoice by mail or email once their work has gone to press. For paid submissions, payment is handled once copies are being mailed unless otherwise arranged by the publisher. Additional copies for friends and family are available by completing this form.

Sample Issues of BAZOOF!: Single copies available by ordering a digital version through Pocket Mags, the Apple App Store, or you may purchase a hard copy through Amazon. You can also send a cheque for $7.00 (copy/shipping costs) to the Vancouver, BC Canada address on the contact page.


3. Upload Your File

Once you’re ready to submit, fill out the form below and click “Choose file” to attach your document. If you have more than one attachment, then you must submit a separate form for each submission.

    Submitting this form certifies that you have read, understand, and accept the submission guidelines contained in Steps 1 and 2 of this form.

    NOTE: Depending on your Internet speed, it may take a few minutes to upload your file. Press the SEND BUTTON ONLY ONCE, then hold tight and you will be redirected to a confirmation page and receive a confirmation email once we have successfully received your submission. Thank you!

    If you would prefer to send us your submission the old-fashioned way, then please mail it to one of the physical addresses listed on our contact page.

    Please note we do not guarantee the return postage of original works.