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Gautam’s first page of his comic is featured in BAZOOF! on page 31 of Issue #74. Here you’ll find both the first and second page. But first, an interview!

BAZOOF!: How long have you been writing comics?
Gautam: Since I was eight.  I got hooked after taking a BAZOOF! comic writing class at a community centre in my area.

B!: What do you like the most about writing them?
G: I like drawing pictures in the comics and creating new characters.  

B!: Do you have any favourite characters you developed? If so, share a little about them.
G: My favourite character is Shiv because he’s named after my cousin. I got the idea for the name Kai from a show I watch, it’s a cool name.  I hope to add more characters that are named after my sister Pavani and my other cousins Sameer, Manvi, and Madhav… it would be epic!

B!: Where did you get the idea for this comic?
G: From a favourite show I watch and book series! Can you guess?

B!: What else do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
G: In my spare time I enjoy ice hockey, listening to music and singing along, drawing, practicing soccer and basketball in my backyard, reading comics, and playing video games.

Shiv and Kai save the world!

Do you like writing comics?

Maybe Gautam’s comic will spark an idea for you to write your own. You could even submit it here. Thanks, Gautam, for sharing your very fun comic with the B! readers.