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Great Black Liquid

Great Black Liquid

by Leo, Age 12 It’s five or six in the morningSighs, yawns, and groans fill the airCar engines are running and droning During the morning commuteThe owner returns to the carwith a mug of coffeeSteaming with levels of heat on parto the heat of a toastyburning fire (more…)
TeLeni Koochin
September 2, 2022
Hanging Out!

Hanging Out!

Looking for some ideas of what to do with your friends? Girls between the ages of 7-12 years told B! what they like to do or think is boring when they are ‘hanging out’ with their friends. Comments from girls Ages 11-12 are featured in the print version of BAZOOF!…
TeLeni Koochin
July 1, 2022
Send in a Drawing

Send in a Drawing

Aadhya, Age 8, recently found her drawing on Page 30 of BAZOOF! #78. Oay has a bulletin board where drawings, like these, along with poems and other submissions are published. It's a reader's favourite! Do you have some artwork that you did for school or at home? Or maybe you'd…
TeLeni Koochin
June 16, 2022


by Molly, Age 15 The captivating blue of the oceanIs highlighted as the wavesCrash to the soft sandIts white capsExploding on the terrain (more…)
TeLeni Koochin
May 31, 2022
Thoughts on Caring

Thoughts on Caring

by Lydia, Age 13 Really, what is caring? What is inside us that makes us want to care or feel a way towards someone or something? Caring means a lot of things to a lot of different people. To me, caring is a necessity in life and can not be…
TeLeni Koochin
March 25, 2022
Bats, Kites & Sara

Bats, Kites & Sara

Bats are so interesting! In this photo, you see some fruit bats hanging upside down for a nap, with their wings wrapped around themselves like a cozy blanket. Their furry heads are sticking out the bottom with those signature pointed ears! What is also very interesting is Sara's poem about…
TeLeni Koochin
February 18, 2022
Rohin’s PC Build

Rohin’s PC Build

Rohin Mukherjee is a 10 year old Grade 5 student in the Gifted Program at Lanor Junior Middle School in Toronto. Some three years ago, he had built a small Robot with Arduino, and a couple of years ago, he had Coded a Video Game in Visual Basic. In April, 2020, unable…
TeLeni Koochin
October 20, 2020
No School

No School

Saranya and Sarvani, Age 9, appear in the latest issue of BAZOOF! with their comments on Page 7 (B! Mail) and photo on Page 31 (Oay's Bulletin Board). They share how they've been keeping busy at home during this pandemic. "During COVID 19, our school has been closed but that…
TeLeni Koochin
July 15, 2020
Evalyn & COVID-19

Evalyn & COVID-19

Check out this interview about a member of the BAZOOF! creative team whose family has been facing the coronavirus in China, and now herself living in North America. Tell us a little about yourself? My name is Evalyn Zhang. I am a graphic design intern at BAZOOF! I grew up…
TeLeni Koochin
March 26, 2020