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When I Got Ozzy

by CJ, Age 11

When I got Ozzy
I could see the inside of him
Afraid no longer with his family
Fear about going with us
Hiding under the car
Scared to death
When he left with me
My family
And I
I could feel him
Inside of me
His feelings
Thoughts ran through my head
Even more his
He made it back with us
Back to my grandmother’s house
When at Michigan
About an hour and a half
Away from his family
Going to another new place
In a few days
And once we made it there
He didn’t look like a puppy
About as big as Jasper at that time
And still growing
Trying to adapt 
After already adapting 

Do you have a pet?

CJ wrote a few poems about his pets. Pets can inspire you to write a poem, story, or comic. Try writing something about your pet. You could send it to B! by visiting submit.