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Case #5 – Cliques

How’s it going? I’m Blake, and if you’re new, this is where we talk about what to do in different situ-
ations. What we discuss can be very helpful. Often things can happen to us very quickly and we don’t have a lot of time to think. So, the best thing to do is try and be prepared and then you’ll know better what to do if you found yourself in a similar situation.


In high school there are groups called ‘cliques.’ These are groups of friends that can shut out or exclude others from being in their group. For reasons like how they dress, how much money they have, where they live etc. What choices can you make to help your school be ‘clique’ free?

What do you think is the right or wrong choice to make, and why?


“If you are in, let’s say a popular group, maybe not rub it in to other kids. Try to be friends with every-
one.” Hannah, Age 13

“I would start a group of people that anyone could participate in and I would encourage anyone to join.” Marissa, Age 11

“Include people and make friends. Don’t talk behind other kid’s backs or even teachers.” Noeloni, Age 11

“I think you should not think about what other people are thinking and be yourself and other people will follow.” Hunter-Lee, Age 12

“You shouldn’t think about whether you fit in or not. Don’t try to change yourself to fit in with a particular clique. Just be yourself and don’t get involved in cliques. Eventually everyone will realize
cliques are bad and will follow your example.” Emily, Age 11

“You could try to get the cliques to play with other kids. You can also try not to go into any cliques. If none of that works, don’t give up. Cliques can be nice or mean but try to do your best to make the
right choice.” Dani, Age 11

“You can get the cliques to hang out with all the other kids in the school. Just remember that cliques are cliques and they might want to hang out with others. If they take your friends away from you, just be strong and get them back.” Maddi, Age 11

“I’d say I’m waiting for my friend and wanted to wait longer for her. Maybe I wouldn’t talk to them. If I did go over to them, I’d tell them I can’t do anything with them. I wouldn’t be scared. If they wanted me to do anything bad or dangerous, I wouldn’t do it.” Karah, Age 9

“I’d walk away, I’d just stay away from them. The wrong thing to do would be to go over to them.” Chris, Age 13


Those are some great answers! Yes, the wrong thing to do would be to respond to them and walk over to their group. Those teens might not harm you, but since you don’t know them you should never take the chance. If you felt really uncomfortable, I’d lock your bike up and go into the store until your friend got there. Always tell a parent or caregiver about any situation that frightens or makes you feel uncomfortable. Thanks for your answers!

Remember, you can always find a way to do the right thing!

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