True Little Stories – Mistakes
Don’t be a Know-It-All
by Jess Olsen
I was in ballet when I was young, and every other year we would have a big recital. I practiced really hard for these recitals, so I always got very upset when people made mistakes. I would push them into line during the performance if they didn’t go right away. Also, I was usually the last off the stage, so I would wave at the audience. In wanting the dance to be the best it could be, I sure did ruin it.

Don’t Accuse
by Jess Olsen
When I was young, a close friend of mine hurt his eye really bad and was put in the hospital. I went to visit him and brought a couple games for us to play. Unfortunately, the game we ended up choosing was pick-up-sticks. Throughout the entire game, I thought he was cheating because he would move the sticks and then tell me he didn’t. I got very angry and told him so. It wasn’t until later that my mom told me that he couldn’t tell if he was moving the sticks or not, because he couldn’t see out of one of his eyes.
Mind Your Belongings
by Jess Olsen
I’ve always loved crystals, and I had an impressive collection of them when I was younger. In fact, it was so impressive, that I deemed it worthy to bring to school for show and tell. They went over well, and I decided to just shove them into my cubby-bin once I was done with them. When I went to get them later that day, they had been stolen. I learned to always know where my precious things were, but people shouldn’t take things that aren’t theirs regardless.

Your Turn!
Write down an experience you had when you were between seven and 12 years old. The experience could be about learning a lesson, overcoming a fear, or an experience that meant a lot to you. For examples, see the stories posted here. You could even send it to B! for a chance to have it published! They are fun to think of and write!