Paper-Bag Puppets
Here is a quick craft you can make with paper bags and odd items you have at home. Then after you make it, you can have fun giving it a voice and turning it into a character. If you make a few or invite someone to make them with you, you can have a paper-bag puppet show!
- Gather your main supplies: paper bags, hot glue (with parent help), felt pens or crayons
- Then gather extra goodies that you might want to use, such as yarn, fabric, pipe cleaners, buttons, foam pieces, construction paper etc. Note, that they can’t be very heavy or will weigh the paper bag down, so light items work best!
- Outline how you want the face to look with a pencil or just start drawing.
- Use the fold for its mouth so you see the top of the mouth on the flap, and the bottom part of the mouth underneath.
- You could even draw the inside of their mouth (inside the flap).
- Sketch and colour how you want it to look on the front of the bag and the back.
- Then using another paper bag, draw and colour the hands, feet, a tail, hair, ears, a hat—whatever you like!
- Paste them onto the body of the paper bag.
- Once you have all your pieces on and glued, use crayons or felt pens to finish it up!
Puppet Shows:
- Do a puppet show behind a couch for friends or family
- Make them at a birthday party and have a puppet show for everyone to watch!
- Make some different puppet characters and put on a show behind a bed, sofa or table

Send in a Craft!
Get your own craft published by sending it in! Be sure it is easy enough that someone could make it with a few directions. See submit for the details on how to send. Have FUN!