by Molly, Age 15
The captivating blue of the ocean
Is highlighted as the waves
Crash to the soft sand
Its white caps
Exploding on the terrain
There are no clouds
To hide the aurora of the sun
The radiating heat of the star
Is felt all around
Seagulls’ cries
Children’s laughs
Are heard
Even my small
Five-year-old voice
Is heard
My grandfather standing on the shore
With his white hair peeking out of a blue baseball cap
Looking as tall as a giant
With his chest puffed out
My brother
Screams with anticipation
As the wave
Finally crashes onto the earth
A Favourite Place
Is there a favourite place you like to go? Could you think of all the reasons what makes it special for you and put your thoughts on paper? You could write a poem about it, like Molly did, and put it in a notebook or your journal. To send it to BAZOOF!, visit submit.