Riding Blue

“My name is Genevieve, and I’m 10 years old. My dream animal is a horse. I have a friend that I go riding out on trails with. I ride an Appaloosa Draft horse named Blue because he has blue eyes. When he’s having a lot of fun, he will buck a little. I am not a professional rider, but I can ride western and bareback. My friend rides a Quarter Horse Paint named Brandi.
When we go for a ride, we first brush the horses and then saddle them up. We make sure the girth is tight enough and that we have the chin strap on. Then we clean their feet, being very careful not to cut out their frog. Then we stretch them by grabbing their hooves and pulling them forward. We get our friend to give us a foot-up on our horses. Next, we get them ready for their big ride by trotting around in the corral to warm them up. Then we go trail-riding.
Feels Like Flying
Personally, my favourite speed is a gallop. It is like you’re flying. Having a horse is not only fun, but it is a lot of work. You need lots of time to ride it, brush it, clean its feet, feed it, and spend time with it. Each horse needs up to four buckets of very freshwater a day. If you’ve never ridden a horse before, you should try it. It’s a lot of fun!”
What’s Your Favourite Pet or Animal?
Thanks, Genevieve! Send a photo and share a little about your favourite pet or animal. It could be your chance to be published with BAZOOF! You might ask a parent or caregiver to help. For details, see the SUBMIT page.