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True Little Stories – Be Kind

Be Kind

by Mercedes Rayne

“In Grade 3, I had a crush on a particular boy named Steven. I found out that another girl in the class also liked him. I was feeling rather jealous at the time and decided to put her down. This girl came from a new family in town and they probably couldn’t afford too much. I asked her why she wore the same dress every day. It was very mean and embarrassed her, and I have always regretted saying those unkind words to a very sweet girl.”

Don’t Be Afraid to Tell Someone

by Mercedes Rayne

“I needed glasses. I couldn’t see the chalkboard well at school unless I was sitting up really close. I’m not sure why or how I got away with it so long, but I’d ask a friend who was sitting behind me to whisper answers to me if the teacher asked me because I couldn’t see. I never got glasses until I was in Grade 7, and I was amazed that it was possible to see leaves in the trees.”

Watch Your Mouth

by Mercedes Rayne

“I was taught by my parents not to say swear words, and I was good about not doing that. Long after high school, I had a classmate named Tony tell me that once on the playground I heard him swear. We were in Grade 5 or so. I had told him then that he shouldn’t be talking like that. Even though I couldn’t remember the event, he told me he always did, and he admired me for correcting him.”

Your Turn!

Write down an experience you had when you were between seven and 12 years old. The experience could be when you learned a lesson, about a fear you overcame, or an experience that meant a lot to you. For examples, see the stories posted here. You could even send it to B! for a chance to have it published! They are fun to think of and write!