Rohin Mukherjee is a 10 year old Grade 5 student in the Gifted Program at Lanor Junior Middle School in Toronto. Some three years ago, he had built a small Robot with Arduino, and a couple of years ago, he had Coded a Video Game in Visual Basic.
In April, 2020, unable to attend school due to the pandemic, he built a PC from scratch. While he is thrilled with the attention after building his second PC, he is more keen on offering his skills to assist Seniors and technologically-challenged folks in the vicinity, and formulating an approach to do the same.
Currently, Rohin is reading ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho, and trying to grasp the nuances of ‘Outliers’ by Malcolm Gladwell. He emphasizes that he is not remotely a ‘nerd’; and in his free time, loves to administer hugs to humans and dogs, indulges in gaming, skateboarding, playing tennis with his dad, and binging on TV shows.
Check out BAZOOF!’s new YouTube channel featuring Rohin’s accomplishment!